Our Ambassadors
Dirk Fenstermacher Jr

Biggest lesson you've learned from mushrooms?
Without this vital kingdom in our ecosystem, life as we know it would simply cease to exist. Fungi are so magical. There is so much application for them in our daily life.
What's a non-negotiable in your mental health routine?
My fitness, exploration and alone/ creative time are all parts of my week that not only contribute to my mental health but my sense of being. I refuse to budge on these boundaries.
What is your superpower + how do you work it into your career?
The ability to connect and flow are both necessary to exist in Los Angeles as an Artist and I happen to be filled to the brim with these functions. I'm constantly curious and never try to be too sure about anything.
If you could put anything on a billboard for the world to see, what would it be?
This was a hard question to answer but I have settled on a quote "not all those who wander are lost" from my favorite books the Lord of the Rings.
Brent Pella

Biggest lesson you've learned from mushrooms?
Life is too fleeting to be upset about things that you won't remember a year from now, a month from now, a week from now, a day from now, an hour from now. Relax.
What's a non-negotiable in your mental health routine?
I tell myself I'm doing a good job at least three times per day. I'm my own favorite coach.
What is your superpower + how do you work it into your career?
While I'm still working on invisibility, my latest super power I think might be self-awareness, which keeps me grateful, and humble. I'm super humble. Probably the most humble person you'll meet honestly.
If you could put anything on a billboard for the world to see, what would it be?
Whatever secret documents the government has about aliens, enlarged and plastered across Sunset Blvd.
Eli & fur

Biggest lesson you've learned from mushrooms?
That we are all connected. And we are affected by each other in ways that we can’t really ever understand. It’s a lesson you’re never really finished learning.
What's a non non-negotiable in your mental health routine?
Sleep and exercise. Two things very difficult to maintain on the road but we try to prioritize them wherever possible because it makes such a big difference.
What is your superpower + how do you work it into your career?
ELI: I’ve been told I’m really patient. May not sound like a superpower but it’s the key to a long career in this industry and long-term relationships both personal and professional.
FUR: I can take anything — a dead plant, a broken chair on the side of the road, an old bicycle — and make it beautiful. In our career it’s helped me see the potential in things (like a track we started and never finished) rather than what they look like right now.
If you could put anything on a billboard for the world to see, what would it be?
The moment we win our Grammy haha
The Knocks

What's a non non-negotiable in your mental health routine?
Physical activity. Earlier on in our careers, we would be on a tour bus for months at a time and then immediately go back into the studio when the tour wrapped. Eating unhealthy food, drinking alcohol, and not being active can take its toll. Now that we have been in the game for several years, we both make working out a priority. JPatt plays hoops, Ben is a Peloton loyalist. Taking care of ourselves physically helps us mentally and creatively!
What is your superpower + how do you work it into your career?
It's not really a superpower, but we are both obsessive about discovering new music. We love collaborating with not-so-obvious artists in not-so-obvious genres. Our obsession with music has compelled us to take risks and push ourselves in creative directions we never really thought we would go when we first launched The Knocks project 12+ years ago.
David Shaw

Biggest lesson you've learned from mushrooms?
They help you see things from a different perspective. This enables you to make an informed decision based on seeing your dilemma/self/loved ones from all sides. It’s a mirror to your inner world that’s Omni directional. You see your complete role as well as others. It also opens your empath centers and charges them up to receive.
If you could put anything on a billboard for the world to see, what would it be?
“I just want peace for you.”
Elephant Heart

What has the fungi kingdom taught you?
It’s helped remind us that we are all one organism working together.
What advice would you give your younger self?
You’re a lot cooler than you think you are. People like you when you are just being you. Don’t try so hard! Love yourself!
What does mental wellness mean to you?
It’s the most important thing. We were given minds to operate in the physical world. If our minds aren’t healthy, our spirit can’t operate at its full potential!
What does the world need more of right now?
Healthy conversations. We can all learn a lot from one another.
If you could put anything on a billboard for the world to see, what would it be?
The past doesn’t exist and the future is fantasy. Be here right now!
Which SuperMush spray is your favorite and why?
Daily Energy!
Brian Mcknight Jr 😼

What is your superpower + how do you work it into your career?
I believe my super power is “adaptability”. I was truly fortunate to grow up, and evolve around an incredibly diverse group of people. Being influenced by so many different cultures, and experiences gave me the opportunity to come from a place of understanding in all aspects of my life, which directly allows me to collaborate with anyone, anywhere, and anytime. As a producer, that is something that really keeps me firing in all cylinders in multiple rooms at once.
What has the fungi kingdom taught you?
The almighty fungi has taught me awareness. I’ve had many great trips on my journey, and it has seemed to always guide me to being more present, and more intentional with my thoughts, and actions. I find myself in that magical state much more often now, naturally as I get older, and it’s kept me on my enlightening, and healing path for a few years now. It’s taught me freedom is a mindset that you must tap deep into, and that’s it’s possible to do so, even through these wild times we are living in.
What advice would you give your younger self?
Some advice I would give my younger self would be to slow down, develop more skills, and to become devoted to a routine dedicated to becoming the best version of his self. I was born into a high accelerated lifestyle, that I only realized just recently, really did a number on my personal development. Though I’ve lived a privileged life, I wish I would have been able to grow up a bit “slower”, but now I use these lessons to teach my little ones, and that’s the best part. I touch on this in much more detail in my first book, “The Players Handbook for Finding Happiness Vol. 1”.
What does mental wellness mean to you?
Mental wellness means everything to me. In this day, and age where it seems like dealing with the everyday grind of life is becoming harder, and harder to cope with, I think it’s imperative to have a mental health practice that keep you focused on the things that matter, and that you can control.
I believe once we all come to the realization that this life is per individual, and that the fastest way to a healthier hive mind lies directly within being able to accept each other’s differences, and traumas, so that no one feels silenced, we will begin to see our overall mental health, moral, and resolve grow greatly.
What does the world need more of right now?
I believe the world needs more compassion. I think we’ve grown to a point where it’s become easier to generalize, and compartmentalize, so we don’t have to accept how many people are actually struggling, and getting the short end of the stick.
When it comes to things like health care alone, it’s astonishing to me that we aren’t all rallying together to ensure that that’s solidified at the very least. We can’t fight the good fight if we are all sick right? So yeah, I think it’s start with true compassion for all.
If you could put anything on a billboard for the world to see, what would it be?
If I could put anything on a billboard if would be,
“Stop looking up. Look within”. All white backboard, with huge, bold, black letters.
What is your favorite piece of SuperMerch and why?
My favorite piece of SuperMerch is mushroom charm collaboration with Montserrat. As a huge advocate for psilocybin, and beautiful jewelry, I love having a wearable piece that represents this incredible plant that has changed so many lives.
Which SuperMush spray is your favorite and why?
My favorite SuperMush spray is the Daily Chill. As someone who is naturally on the up, and always on the go, it gives me that mellow real feeling that balances me right out.
Tyler Crispen

Biggest lesson you've learned from mushrooms?
Being connected to the present moment leads to a brighter future.
What's a non non-negotiable in your mental health routine?
Being outdoors/getting some sunshine everyday.
What is your superpower + how do you work it into your career?
Making people feel good about themselves. It keeps my goals and motivation aligned and authentic to what speaks to me.
If you could put anything on a billboard for the world to see, what would it be?
Today something cool will
Happen to you
Aggie Lal

Devon Levesque

Biggest lesson you've learned from mushrooms?
Your brain is supposed to expand.
What's a non non-negotiable in your mental health routine?
Thanking someone everyday and apologizing to someone everyday.
What is your superpower + how do you work it into your career?Problem solving.
If you could put anything on a billboard for the world to see, what would it be?
Own your time or someone else will.
Gerard Adams

Biggest lesson you've learned from mushrooms?
God is love. Love is God.
What''s a non non-negotiable in your mental health routine?
Meditation and Prayer.
What is your superpower + how do you work it into your career?
My superpower is being a visionary and I use it by sharing big ideas with my team as well as seeing the gifts in others and empowering them to believe in themselves.
If you could put anything on a billboard for the world to see, what would it be?
Leaders Create Leaders, Not Followers
Jay & Steph Rose

Tiffany Levy

Biggest lesson you've learned from mushrooms?
Biggest lesson I’ve learned from mushrooms is to tap into my inner child and invite more play into my life!
What is your superpower + how do you work it into your career?
My superpower is spreading loving coherence. I apply it everyday by mindfully living and through teaching and hosting retreats.
Mona Sharma

Biggest lesson you've learned from mushrooms?
Nature Heals. The more we can use the gifts from nature, and align with nature, the more we align with our ability to heal.
What’s a non-negotiable in your mental health routine?
RPMH – Rise, Pee, Meditate, Hydrate, everyday. Then get outside.
What is your superpower + how do you work it into your career?
I help others shift their vibration from imbalance to balance. Dropping into the wisdom of the body turns down the noise in the world and helps us recognize we’re all walking, talking miracles.
If you could put anything on a billboard for the world to see, what would it be?
Look up! Get out of your head and into your heart.
Natalia Roth

Biggest lesson you've learned from mushrooms?
The biggest lesson I've learned from mushrooms is to stay grounded to nature - enjoy and appreciate it more
What''s a non non-negotiable in your mental health routine?
My non-negotiable mental health routine involves listening to music and moving my body. It's vital for my well-being, uplifting my spirits, and keeping me balanced.
Brittany Berger

Biggest lesson you've learned from mushrooms?
Everything is love. You are love. I am love. We are love and it is abundantly overflowing like a fountain in the Ace of Cups. The gift of mushrooms bloom happiness.
What's a non non-negotiable in your mental health routine?
Moving my body. Hot water with lemon. Meditation. Breathing. Applying slow mornings.
What is your superpower + how do you work it into your career?
One of my many superpowers, I believe, is my energy. I have created my career out of energy. The energy I give to myself, to others, to heal and lead the community, to pursue purpose and passions, and to help others meet this level of frequency so they can be their true selves.
Cole Knight

Vanessa Fitzgerald

Biggest lesson you've learned from mushrooms?
Life is only as hard as I choose to make it.
What is your superpower + how do you work it into your career?
I channel. You can think of me as a clairvoyant for the body. My deep sensitivity and ability to feel and read people and situations right away makes me a very effective healer.
Oliver Trevena

Biggest lesson you've learned from mushrooms?
To surrender to the universe!Not to take life too seriously and sometimes you have to release control!!
What''s a non non-negotiable in your mental health routine?
Me time!!! I need time for myself otherwise I go crazy. Sometimes being alone is not what we want but it’s what WE need.
Courtney Swan

Biggest lesson you've learned from mushrooms?
That I have everything I need and it all starts with loving and trusting myself (this was a real vivid download I got once)
What''s a non non-negotiable in your mental health routine?
Walking outside in nature. Whether it’s a hike or beach walk with my dog I have to get outside in the sun and move my body
What is your superpower + how do you work it into your career?
Not allowing the sometimes grim reality of life bring me down. I always use it to empower me to dig up the truth and bring it to light! (This is what I’m doing with exposing the corrupt food industry right now and I’m often asked how I don’t get discouraged when I learn about the dirty practices. I don’t let them bring me down or kill my spirit)
If you could put anything on a billboard for the world to see, what would it be?
Eat like your life depends on it (cause it does)
Brandon DesJarlais

Biggest lesson you've learned from mushrooms?
Trust your intuition.
What''s a non non-negotiable in your mental health routine?
Skating down the boardwalk with vibey music.
What is your superpower + how do you work it into your career?
My superpower is my curiosity and how I'm able to use it to unlock more clarity, creativity, and collaboration for myself and the people around me.
If you could put anything on a billboard for the world to see, what would it be?
What's the best that could happen?
Naven Twins

What’s a non non-negotiable in your mental health routine?
Your mental health comes first. Always. Carve out time in your day to slow down, meditate, pray, and make time for self-care and self-love.
What is your superpower + how do you work it into your career?
Big hearts, big brains☺️We build our business on nurturing relationships, being creative problem solvers, and innovators.
Dr G. 🥼

What is your superpower + how do you work it into your career?
My superpower is truly communicating, being charismatic, and being on camera. I work this into my career every day with social media and podcasting.
What has the fungi kingdom taught you?
That we are all one.
What advice would you give your younger self?
You are about to be a star.
What does mental wellness mean to you?
It means allowing yourself and seeing yourself for who you truly are. It means to allow the most unlovable parts of you that you have been hiding from yourself and others to come to the surface so they can be embodied. Mental health is not about the improvement it's about letting go and remembering.
What does the world need more of right now?
The world needs more courage to be itself.
If you could put anything on a billboard for the world to see, what would it be?
It would say "You are afraid to be your true self"
What is your favorite piece of SuperMerch and why?
The crewnecks and the designs are lovely.
Which SuperMush spray is your favorite and why?
The energy blend because I need the energy.

What is your superpower + how do you work it into your career?
My superpower is a combination of compassion, vision and openness to the universe. This career is my divine assignment to express Love to the fullest, in alignment to the greater vision with guidance from the universe.
What has the fungi kingdom taught you?
The fungi kingdom has taught me about the interconnectivity of all life forms. It has also taught me to be still and let go of my ego's need to control.
What advice would you give your younger self?
Be bold. Go for it. Build your own stage. Write your own script. You are enough. Take great care of your body and spirit.. oh and wear sunscreen!
What does mental wellness mean to you?
Mental health is the intersection of both personal and universal wellbeing. The mindset, heartset, healthset and soulset of myself and the collective humanity. It means the world to me and is my life purpose to show up fully, as my best, for me, for nature and for my community.
What does the world need more of right now?
More Love. More kindness. More compassion. More gratitude. More grace. More Bobs. More Hugs.
If you could put anything on a billboard for the world to see, what would it be?
What is your favorite piece of SuperMerch and why?
I LOVE the socks!! The blue tie dye color with the supermush logo is such a happy vibe! I really enjoy the sock length and they’re super comfortable!
Which SuperMush spray is your favorite and why?
Personal fave is the daily energy. I keep it at my desk for easy access :)

What is your superpower + how do you work it into your career?
My superpower is seeing who people are and who they are not! and loving them for all of it!!
What has the fungi kingdom taught you?
That there is so much more to everything than what meets the eye!
What advice would you give your younger self?
Trust what you’re feeling kiddo! There’s a place for it out there.
What does mental wellness mean to you?
Mental Wellness means constantly acknowledging mine and other’s humanity
What does the world need more of right now?
If you could put anything on a billboard for the world to see, what would it be?
Same-sex intimacy.. in space
What is your favorite piece of SuperMerch and why?
The blue tie-dye sweatsuit cause it’s so cozy and vibey!!!
Which SuperMush spray is your favorite and why?
Immunity, because it feels like tough love
Kameron with a K

What is your superpower + how do you work it into your career?
My superpower is connecting with love. I use my music to express this loving energy and encourage others to be themselves as they are.
What has the fungi kingdom taught you?
The fungi kingdom has taught me even more about connection. Not only with others but as well as within yourself.
What advice would you give your younger self?
I would tell my younger self to worry less about what people might think. To be unapologetically me because I will find my chosen family who fully accept me.
What does mental wellness mean to you?
Mental wellness is being able to stop when it is necessary to take care of myself. To listen to my feelings and emotions and give them space to be. Knowing they will not be with me forever but not denying what I feel.
What does the world need more of right now?
The world needs more love and understanding right now. We all have different opinions that are all valid but we need to listen to people that think differently than us to understand where they are coming from.
If you could put anything on a billboard for the world to see, what would it be?
All is possible. Love will change the world.
What is your favorite piece of SuperMerch and why?
I really love the sweatshirt. I love the design and picture on the back. It is also very cozy and good quality.
Which SuperMush spray is your favorite and why?
So far I would say the chill spray. I like the flavor and it is good to use to relax. I still have yet to try the immunity spray.
Lucas Hive

What is your superpower + how do you work it into your career?
Energy. Inspiring people through dance/communication/ fashion.
What advice would you give your younger self?
Search for knowledge in everything I am committed.
What does mental wellness mean to you?
Taking care of myself, my peace.
What does the world need more of right now?
More understanding and patience.
If you could put anything on a billboard for the world to see, what would it be?
The promotion from my future documentary about unknown talent dancers.
What is your favorite piece of SuperMerch and why?
The jacket, it’s very comfortable
Which SuperMush spray is your favorite and why?
I didn’t try all the 3 ones yet, but let’s say the daily healthy, for my health.
Andreas Alfaro

What is your superpower + how do you work it into your career?
I am a very embodied individual, and use my body to push the boundaries of physical performance.
What has the fungi kingdom taught you?
There is magic all around us ✨
What advice would you give your younger self?
Invest heavy in BTC/ETH and sell before 2020 lol
Think less feel more.
What does mental wellness mean to you?
Embracing your emotions
What does the world need more of right now?
Kindness, compassion and love
If you could put anything on a billboard for the world to see, what would it be?
You are more powerful thank you think
What is your favorite piece of SuperMerch and why?
The bandanas!! Because they can be used in many different fashions
Which SuperMush spray is your favorite and why?
The energy spray is my favorite because I like to stay away from caffeine and stimulants and this is a healthier way of getting clean energy. 🍄⚡️
Travis Brewer 🥷

What is your superpower + how do you work it into your career?
My superpower is being a ninja. Calm, strong, stealth, proactive. I use this in my career for business as well as being a ninja warrior or acrobat on TV.
What has the fungi kingdom taught you?
Fungi kingdom has taught me not to forget to have fun. ;) It has has help bridge a stronger connection to my mind and body.
What advice would you give your younger self?
You’re never to your to know yourself.
What does mental wellness mean to you?
Mental wellness mean to me a conversation and permission to feel all of the feelings.
What does the world need more of right now?
Grateful warrior energy
If you could put anything on a billboard for the world to see, what would it be?
Use the body to control the mind and learn to know your spirit.
What is your favorite piece of SuperMerch and why?
Matching hoodie and sweatpants tie-dye blue, bc it’s so fly.
Which SuperMush spray is your favorite and why?
Energy spray. Love the taste and feels.
Iliriana Balaj

Biggest lesson you've learned from mushrooms?
Since dealing with mood, adrenal, stress & focus issues I’ve started to realize just how powerful and essential they are in my routine. I just function SO much better when utilizing them.
What''s a non non-negotiable in your mental health routine?
Saying no more often. You don’t have to do it all!
What is your superpower + how do you work it into your career?
My superpower is my authenticity. In a world where everyone is trying to be someone they’re not - I value this aspect of myself so much more.
If you could put anything on a billboard for the world to see, what would it be?
“Another day another chance to live healthillie” - it really embodies that every new day is another opportunity to make healthier choices
Francisca Oyhanarte

Biggest lesson you've learned from mushrooms?
To embrace the interconnectedness of life and death, fostering growth through acceptance and connection.
What's a non non-negotiable in your mental health routine?
I dive into Transcendental Meditation twice daily, coupling it with infrared light therapy. Additionally, I do psilocybin mushroom microdosing every other month.
What is your superpower + how do you work it into your career?
I work with energy through color and light. I use Pranic Healing techniques through my art, bringing positive healing and uplifting effects on every environment they enter.
Dr. Cat Meyer

Biggest lesson you've learned from mushrooms?
That I am the true source of my own erotic turn on.
What is your superpower + how do you work it into your career?
Turn anything into play
If you could put anything on a billboard for the world to see, what would it be?
Life is short, go naked.
What''s a non non-negotiable in your mental health routine?
Poetry reading :)
Lauren Taus

What is your superpower + how do you work it into your career?
My heart is my superpower and I work it all day by loving.
What has the fungi kingdom taught you?
Everything is wildly, intimately, intricately and forever interconnected.
What advice would you give your younger self?
Have fun!
What does mental wellness mean to you?
Mental wellness is a secure internal attachment and the capacity to feel fully, express honestly and risk appropriately.
What does the world need more of right now?
The world needs more connection. Our systems are informed by hierarchy and domination, so the ones who appear to be winning are often even more isolated. We need to collapse old ways and dare new ones together.
If you could put anything on a billboard for the world to see, what would it be?
Love is all there is.
What is your favorite piece of SuperMerch and why?
Probably the bandana! I wear it all the time!
Which SuperMush spray is your favorite and why?
Immunity, baby!
Leah Russell 🤸🏽♂️

Dustin Craven

Biggest lesson you've learned from mushrooms?
That everything is connected
What''s a non non-negotiable in your mental health routine?
Having enough sleep to get threw the day
What is your superpower + how do you work it into your career?
I have a photographic memory and really help to snowboard down big stuff
If you could put anything on a billboard for the world to see, what would it be?
A photo of my dog he is so handsome everyone should get to look at him
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